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Case Studies » Forging Press Shop Billet Counter


A Forging Company, a leader in metal forging, recognized the need to optimize their press shop operations to improve product quality and operational efficiency. The temperature of billets in the press shop plays a critical role in the forging process, impacting the quality and properties of the final product. Accurate monitoring and control of billet temperatures are essential to ensure consistency and reduce waste.



Forging Company sought a solution that could automate temperature monitoring, provide real-time data, and classify billets based on their temperatures.

Primary challenges faced by forging company are:

  • Inconsistent billet temperature leads to quality issue.
  • Manual monitoring processes that were time-consuming and prone to errors.
  • Lack of real-time data for proactive decision-making.



Our team developed a comprehensive temperature monitoring system tailored for the forging press shop. The solution included the following key components:

  1. Wireless Data Acquisition System: On-site, it is difficult to implement wiring, so we designed a LoRa-based wireless solution to capture real-time data and transmit it to our IoT gateway wirelessly.
  2. Classification Algorithm: An algorithm was developed to classify billets into three categories based on their temperature:
    • Low: Temperature below the optimal setpoint.
    • OK: Temperature within the optimal range.
    • High: Temperature above the optimal setpoint.
  3. Online Data Visualization: A web-based platform was created to display real-time temperature data, billet classifications, and historical trends. This platform allows operators and managers to monitor the press shop from anywhere.



The implementation of the real-time temperature monitoring system brought significant improvements to Forging Company:

  • Enhanced Product Quality: Consistent temperature monitoring ensured billets were within the optimal range, leading to improved product quality.
  • Operational Efficiency: Automation reduced manual monitoring efforts, allowing staff to focus on other critical tasks.
  • Proactive Management: Real-time data enabled proactive decision-making, reducing downtime and waste.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Historical data analysis provided insights into temperature patterns and helped in predictive maintenance.



The real-time temperature monitoring system proved to be a valuable asset for Forging Company. By ensuring billets are within the optimal temperature range, the company was able to enhance product quality, improve operational efficiency, and make data-driven decisions. This case study demonstrates the potential of integrating advanced monitoring solutions in industrial settings to achieve significant operational benefits. For more information about our solutions and services, visit our website or contact us directly.